Thursday, August 3, 2006

Design Rolodex

Where do Michael Braley ( Cahan & Associates ) get his inspiration?
He gets his inspiration from his sketchbook and Rolodex cards.

Sense from:
Inspiration = ideas
Petrula Vrontikis
Page 106 -107
ISBN: 1-5649-6866-9

Michael Braley's sketchbook

Michael Braley's Rolodex card 
I keep a pocket-sized sketchbook and I spend a lot of time recording and collecting information. It might take days or months before it turns into inspiration and even longer before it may be directly linked to a specific project. Most of the time, these sketchbooks are just a very personal collection of ideas, images and textures that I enjoy for myself.

Silicon Valley Bank 2000 annual report 
Additionally, I still keep a Rolodex on my desk and use each card as an extension of my sketchbook. This annual report for Silicon Valley Bank provided the right opportunity to link my personal notes and sketches to the finished commercial work. The Silicon Valley Bank 2000 annual report was designed to resemble a Rolodex symbolizing the bank’s extensive, mutually profitable relationships with entrepreneurs, investors and service providers.

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