One of my favorite pass times is meeting up with friends to chat about ideas that I discovered. As I observed what I do during these discussions, I discovered that I basically behaved in 3 ways:
- I broaden the idea.
- I deepen the understanding of the idea.
- I connect the idea to another idea.
I came up with a diagram to show how I behaved in these discussions.

I name the diagram the Conversation Triangle.
It consists of 4 points
- I = Idea
- B = Broaden Idea
- C = Connected Idea
- D = Deepen Understanding
6 relationships
- IB = Action of broadening the idea
- IC = Action of connecting the idea to another idea
- ID = Action of deepening the understanding of the idea
- BC = Action of connecting the broaden idea to another idea
- BD = Action of deepening the understanding of the broaden idea
- CD = Action of deepening the understanding of the idea that was connected to